Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tornado Scooter

I went out to the garden a few days ago and our new, donated cat who absolutely loves to go to the garden, went with me. That's fine because Kitty weaves in and around the plants. Kitty is such a gentleman when it comes to the garden. He never does his business there, he never pounces on the plants (no matter how appealing a bloom may look), and he never shreds leaves.

Unfortunately, Scooter, the half-lab/half-who-knows-what puppy, loves Kitty and follows him around like he's on a leash. Suffice to say, Scooter does NOT weave in and around the plants. He flops and pounces and stomps and tramples. The peas were laid low, the tomato plants were toppled, and the cucumber vines were wrenched from their roost on the trellis. It was a catastrophe. Then he went after the squash plants and decided the squashes were his new chew toys. You read me right. Chew toys. Not that I don't have enough squash put up. Not that I haven't been secretly stashing it in unsuspecting cars at church (and fleeing the scene of the crime!). Not that my friends are begging me to stop donating squash to them. It's just that I hate to see food go to waste. Something about starving children in Africa/China/South America (you had to live my childhood to understand this one).

I did not want to look but could not look away from the horror. It was my worst nightmare (okay, second worst, worst would be to be turned into a vampire and being overweight with bad nails and summer skin problems for eternity, but I digress). So, what to do, what to do? I got it!!! Oh my, I can't believe I did not think of this one sooner!! I'll send Will to the garden from now on because Kitty and Scooter don't find him as fascinating as me! Wonder what Will thinks about my solution? He's not a happy camper but he's leaving to go to Colorado for weeks next month and is being all sweetness and light so I won't hide his hunting stuff from him. Oh, did I say that? I meant he's being sweet because he is going to miss me so much while in Colorado next month. hehe!

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