Monday, November 9, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Novermber 9, 2009 . . .

Outside my window . . . sun is shining, birds are singing, squirrels are frolicking—at least until I get home and start looking for donations to squirrel dumplings!!

I am thinking . . . How difficult it is to see ourselves as God does. The sermon yesterday was about how, when we are saved, God sees us through Jesus Christ NOT as we see ourselves. Sometimes it is difficult to remember that we are a new person in Christ and that God sees us through 'rose-colored glasses' so to speak.

I am thankful for . . . my Daddy who loves me enough to help my nephew with 'manly' duties such as skinning a deer b/c we all know women know nothing about stuff like that. hehe :)

I am wearing . . . olive green capris, brown t, brown plaid Skechers flips (are y'all starting to realize that I live in either the brown ones or the blue ones?)

I am remembering . . . the days when Uncle William, Uncle Ben, Uncle Oscar, John, and Charles would show up early in the morning on the opening day of deer season, drink coffee (yes, even us kids) and then head out. Granny and I would work all morning to have a HUGE dinner ready when they came back from hunting in the middle of the afternoon (I was not allowed to go hunting with the men, even though John was and he was only a few years older than me!! oh well, I am now the one who is carrying on the hunting tradition so na na na na na na!!)

I am going . . . to go home and read, read, read. Went to the library at lunch!!

I am reading . . . The Prometheus Deception by Robert Ludlum, The River Knows by Amanda Quick, and The Courtship by Gilbert Morris (yes, I read more than one book at a time)

I am hoping . . . that Will's birthday is good, it's Friday and we are going to his mom's house Saturday to take Taylor hunting up there and so his mom can cook his cake this year—I am tired of him complaining about mine!

On my mind . . . why are some churches so appearance oriented? Don't they realize God doesn't care what you wear? 

Noticing that . . . there seem to be more idiots on the farm road where I live this deer season than ever before. Just because you are from the city does not mean you have the right of way. It's a two lane road for a reason!!

Pondering these words . . . So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. 1 Peter 5:6

From the kitchen . . . not enough squirrels for stew or dumplings so probably pork loin with toast and eggs (unless I am completely out of jelly and then it will be Hamburger Helper!)

Around the house . . . I so need to do laundry. Ugh!

One of my favorite things . . . the feeling of having a library bag full of books I have yet to read!

From my picture journal . . . me at the Hobo supper a few weeks ago at church. It was awesome!! We have so many musically talented people at my church! I dressed as an old woman hobo who was dressed in her finest for a party. Will was not happy when I got home and he saw me. Said I looked like my grandmother. Well, he better batten down the hatches and gird his loins, b/c I have news for him, this is how I will look when I get older!! I have seen the future in my grandparents and it ain't pretty!!


dtbrents said...

Happy Birthday to Will. I will give my opinion on church dress. I go to a church that everyone is welcome no matter how they dress but we are having a lot of problems with young people dressing like they are going to a party. The clothes are up to their bottoms. I wonder why their parents haven't taught them that God's house is holy and should be respected. I think our preacher should preach a sermon on it. I'm sure you are not talking about disrespectful clothing but where do we draw the line. You are right that God sees us as perfect like His Son and I am so happy for that. I hope you have a wonderful week. Doylene

Shannon said...

We were having that problem when I was young. And I see young girls with skirts that are the size of a headband but their parents don't say anything b/c they are wearing a skirt to church. My grandmother used to say if you couldn't sit down without showing your cookies, it was not appropriate attire! hehe! And I'll add if you can't bend over without showing the girls, it's too low!

The church I go to doesn't care what you are wearing as long as it is decent. But I have attended a church service where I was taken aside after and asked to dress more appropriately the next time—I was wearing a dressy pant suit. I did not go back!

Have a great week!! Shannon