Monday, November 30, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY November 30, 2009 . . .

Outside my window . . . cool and humid and sunny, it rained and rained and rained last night!

I am thinking . . . it is going to be great to get home and have time to myself before Will gets home

I am thankful for . . . books

I am wearing . . . blue jean dress with black velvet collar, black shoes, huge spoon ring that gives me a different attitude (and don't think I am the only one who accessorizes according to their mood and then the accessories take over and affect your attitude!!)

I am remembering . . . the smell of Thanksgiving when I was little—chicken boiling, cornbread cooking, ham baking

I am going . . . to do some laundry and get it hung out on the line this afternoon

I am reading . . . Cry in the Night by Colleen Coble and next up is Undead and Unworthy by Mary Janice Davidson (a guilty pleasure to be sure!!)

I am hoping . . . that I remembered to pay all of the bills!!

On my mind . . . why do some married men act as if they are single? If they did not want to get married, why did they?!?!? 

Noticing that . . . there are a lot of odd people out and about and they all seem to want to walk up to me and start a conversation about oranges and home raised vs. store bought meat and the price of cleaning detergent. What's up with that?

Pondering these words . . . If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, your wonderful uniqueness is precisely what brings God pleasure. It gives you "character," and He's smitten with you. So don't just embrace your uniqueness; revel in it. (Anita Renfroe perpetual calendar)

From the kitchen . . . I made candy for Thanksgiving!! I know it is traditionally a Christmas thing but I WANTED some Divinity so I just got busy in the kitchen and made Divinity, Peanut Butter Balls, and chocolate covered pretzels (don't give me more credit than I deserve with this, I just melted the chocolate almond bark in the microwave and dipped the pretzels in it)

Around the house . . . I have started a little decluttering in one corner of the living room and one corner of the bedroom. This is going to be a long, drawn out process b/c it pains me to throw perfectly good stuff away, no matter if I haven't used it in the 11 years I've been married!! I blame my grandmother who lived through the great depression and who, when she died, still had the carbon copy of checks from the 1960s. It was interesting to see how much stuff cost back then but needless to hold onto them. Sigh. I say this as I just threw out my bank statements from my first bank account in 1990 . . .

One of my favorite things . . . DIVINITY!! I think I may be the last person on the face of the Earth who knows what Divinity is and/or likes it but, to me, nothing says holiday like Divinity!!

From my picture journal . . . Taylor's pig Little Red

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