Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally Friday

I was starting to think that this week would be one without end. Whew! I don't know why I am so thrilled to see it end. This weekend is the trade days in Lufkin so I will be up at the bu** crack of dawn the next two days and be out in the weather (it is promising to be freaking cold!!) and dirt. Somehow I seem to get filthy even though we have a tent and all the stuff is up on tables. Sigh. Oh well. Hopefully this month won't be too bad.

Okay, this is what my friend and her two grandsons got me for my birthday:

Isn't it adorable?!?!?! You pop the 'crystal ball' (think Trouble for those of you out there old enough to remember playing board games!). The dice in it gives you the answer to your question (think Magic 8 ball answers!) and dispenses M&Ms on the side. How stinking cool is that? I love it!! It is so me—deliciously tacky combined with chocolate! How original can ya get??? hehe!

Anywho, I'll be back on Monday with The Simple Woman's Daybook and hopefully some extra money in my pocket.

Tottles y'all!

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