Monday, January 12, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY January 12, 2009 . . .

Outside my window . . .
It is a gorgeous day! Cold and sunny. Hopefully the sun lasts today and for several days b/c our drier on/off button croaked Sunday morning (after an all-night marathon to get rid of the Mount Washmore in the master bathroom). So, we strung the clothesline that I was saving for a craft project and that I will now have to replace with something else b/c, apparently, clothesline stretches when it is used. Who knew?

I am thinking . . .
that I want Will to get busy and move clothesline poles a friend of ours gave us. I love hanging clothes out to dry (love the smell of sunshine, even though Will says I am crazy to think that I can smell sunshine in the clothes). Sigh. I WANT those poles!!! hehe!

I am thankful for . . .
my friends—the ones who love me and support me no matter what and are there when I need a friend.

From the kitchen . . .
I made hamburger patties smothered in gravy last night at Will's request. Turns out that has always been one of his favorites from when he was a child. Who knew? Why hasn't he said something about it before? I love stuff like that (what isn't better with gravy?!?!?). Anywho, it was great and I will be making it again now that I know it is something that the picky eater in the family loves. 

I am wearing . . .
Blue jean dress with changeable collar and new brown/green multi-strand beads that I am absolutely in love with (they also have matching earrings!!).

I am creating . . .
a pink scarf (duplicate of the one I made for Jamie) for Jaycee. It will fit her personality to a T.

I am going . . .
to exchange the shirts I got for Mr. Robert (they are too small), starting to do meal planning (for health reasons, sanity reasons, and money reasons). hmmm . . . squash with onions and butter sounds divine for supper. Wonder what I could fix with it that Will would eat.

I am reading . . .

I am hoping . . .
the sun continues to shine and it gets colder than cold so I can get some cuttings from the pear trees at my Dad's house. I may try some cuttings from my tree at the house this week after a few days of colder weather just to see.

I am hearing . . .
the fluorescent lights humming

Around the house...
The clothes are washed with the exception of the sheets and the few that have gotten dirty since the all night marathon of washing.

One of my favorite things...
new book smell

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Work on decluttering the living room

Here is picture thought I am sharing . . . 

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