Thursday, April 9, 2009

Livestock show and tears, baby afghan

Oh my!! It's been almost a month since I posted anything! I must admit I have been in a funk, or depressed, or really busy. However you want to word it. I am now only working part time (not my choice but I am over the bitterness, mostly). But my dad is loving it and I have been home less in the last month than in the entire almost 11 years of marriage. I have been going and going and going with my dad so much that I haven't seen my house in the daylight unless you count the sun breaking in the morning. Sigh. It's been good for him but not so great on my checkbook.

Now onto the great stuff! This week is the fair and my niece and nephew were showing goats last night (along with Taylor's aunt and uncle). Taylor and Brittani got last place with their goats and they did not make the sale. Emily and Gus (aunt and uncle) made the sale. Emily also showed a lamb and won showmanship for the lamb. Here's Brittani and Taylor with their goats:


Jess (my baby who's graduating this year and who was participating in her last show) only showed a lamb b/c her goat died. She won first in her class, grand champion lamb, and senior showmanship. Okay, here come the tears again. After the show she was so excited and I went back to the pens to hug her and tell her how proud I was for her. Then I was crying while hugging her (I had warned her and her grandmother that if she won showmanship AND grand champion I was going to leak). She asked if I was crying and I told her yeah and then I asked her if she was crying and she said yeah but only because I was crying. As if she has not had enough practice being around me this year and me leaking all over  the place. I don't understand it. Her mom's not crying. Her grandmother is not crying. I am bawling at all the lasts that are coming this year. Who knows?

Jess and the guy she bought the lamb from and her belt buckles from last night:

Jess and her mom:

Now, onto other things that don't make me cry. My SIL asked if I would do a baby afghan for her for a friend of hers. I said yeah if she would buy the yarn. The soon-to-be mom is doing the nursery in lady bugs and my SIL brought me red and black yarn. So, this is what I came up with.

1 comment:

Melisa said...

The afghan is beautiful! Great Job!

Is this the same SIL that who let the jelly bubble over on the stove AND takes advantage of you? hahahahhaha

You too nice!