Monday, December 21, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY December 21, 2009 . . .

Outside my window . . . gorgeous, glorious day! The sun is shining. The wind is slightly blowing. It is warm.

I am thinking . . . it was great going to church with my SIL and her kids and my MIL yesterday and then spending the afternoon with them as the kids opened presents. And that, while Twister was a great idea for the kids, I probably should not be playing it with them. At least my back, neck, and swollen knee this morning is telling me that!!

I am thankful for . . . the Christmas season. This year it is a reminder of the things we should be thankful for and the things that are really important. The people that are really important.

I am wearing . . . denim dress

I am remembering . . . Christmas seasons past.

I am going . . . to finish my Santa Hat toilet paper cover tonight, or at least one of them

I am reading . . . Bible and The Cold Light of Mourning by Elizabeth J. Duncan

I am hoping . . . that Will remembers to NOT check the mail b/c his gift is supposed to come today or tomorrow and he is off both days

On my mind . . . Why are Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah known by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (the Babylonian names the chief eunuch gave them) throughout the book of Daniel but Daniel known as Daniel? When Daniel is mentioned, it is Daniel or, when someone calls him Belteshazzar it goes on to say "Daniel who was called Belteshazzar." I don't know why this jumped out at me when I was studying Daniel but it did. I know, I know, it doesn't matter, I am looking too deep . . . sigh. Oh well.

Noticing that . . . the holiday season is not a joyous one for shoppers. Am I the only one who thinks that the shoppers in the stores are getting ridiculous with their manners, or lack thereof? 

Pondering these words . . . The mirror doesn't lie and you don't walk out the door without looking in the mirror. People are always telling you what is wrong with you and that makes you feel bad about yourself. So, why don't you make God your mirror? He doesn't lie. When you know who you are in Christ, you are confident and strong and you feel love for other people and pity for the very ones that are trying to tear you down b/c you know they don't know how much they are loved and are trying to make themselves feel better by putting others down.

From the kitchen . . . We are going to fry a whole turkey for Christmas. Yeah for Paula Deen!!

Around the house . . . afghan, toilet paper cover, lapghan, hat—all in progress

One of my favorite things . . . the game of 42. I am going to have to see if I can talk the neighbors into playing while I am off next week.

From my picture journal . . . 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your daybook. I've enjoyed my visit. I can relate to not playing Twister...hehe!

May you and your family have a Christmas filled with many blessings!

P.S. You are invited to drop by my blog on 12/27 and enter my New Year's Giveaway!